
The Founders' Pillar

Dear players and wonderful supporters of Legends Odyssey,

It is with indescribable emotion that I speak to you today. My heart overflows with gratitude for all your love and support and support you’ve given to this project , which is so close to my heart.

Legends Odyssey was born of an all-consuming passion for imaginary worlds and adventure. But it’s thanks to all of you that it has come to life and become a true epic.

To the players, thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing the Legends Odyssey universe with such fervor and enthusiasm. Your feedback, ideas and involvement have been an invaluable source of inspiration and to continue improving and enriching this game day after day. Your epic odysseys, your triumphs and even your defeats have brought unforgettable moments to life in the Legends Odyssey universe.

To all those who have supported the creation of this game, I would like to express my deepest gratitude. Your trust and generosity have made it possible to turn a dream into reality. Every contribution, no matter how small, was another step towards making this collective adventure a reality.

And to all future supporters of this campaign, I say thank you in advance. Your commitment will enable us to push back even further the frontiers of this universe we cherish so dearly.

Together, we continue to write the story of Legends Odyssey. May our journey continue, rich in discovery, emotion and shared moments.

With all my gratitude and affection,

M.C.G Muraz
Creator of Legends Odyssey


Gérard Guidi, Jean Michel de la Boue Méschaussée, Khooshna Enki Muraz, Robert Gérard, Valérie Gérard-Chaubeau, Stéphane Guillemin «il y a toujours une carotte dans la vie.».

To my team Supporters

Khooshna Muraz, Vincent Drevet, Mickael Rivière, Thibauth Cabanettes, Studio Juicy Games.

Vincent Pollet, Artee Cheemontoo, Hema Cheemontoo, Aurelie Termet, Fabrice Drevet, Cédric Béguier, Sylvain Liotard, , Franck Anna WaegeBaert, William Julie de Marsangy, Hugh Anais Henrinson, Papa Kays, Arassen Peramal, Mathieu Braun, Margaux, Jérome Trichard, Christophe Muraz, Monster, Joff Art, Afreka, La Guilde des incompris, Icarius, Cyflame, Patrick Morin, Nico Lt Aubanel, David Davidian Stéphanie Augustin-Ferré et son équipe, Will la haze.

The Players

Jordan, Krystal, Bruno, Synda, Michaël, Rémy, Hugo, Sybil, Guilhem, Kevin, Shinjo Ido, Florence Queille, Shaan Queille, Jeremy Sudan, Laura Neil : Le sortilége du shaman, Tommy Payet, Tao, et tous ceux qui gardent l’anonymat.


Précigraph, Hémisphére sud, Mataora Agency, Raphael De Jesus Pessoa.

Game store in Bordeaux and Libourne
Difintel Bordeaux, Pirouettes, Descartes Bordeaux, Jeux Barjo Bordeaux , Jeux Barjo Libourne, Le Coin des Barons Bordeaux, Artefacts.

Games store Toulouse
Le Passe-Temps, Jeux du Monde, Tableraze Toulouse, Sabretache.

Games store in Lyon
Master Yeti, Archi Chouette, Carta Ludik by Ludik’City, La Manufacture des Jeux, Poisson d’Avril, Le Monde en Jeux, Trollune, Descartes Lyon

Bar à jeux de Lyon
White Rabbit, Les petits joueurs.

Games store in Liège
L’autre Monde, Jocari, La Parenthèse, Dragons Comics, Player Shop’n Bar.

Games store in Brussels
Outpost Brussels Gamecenter, Dedale une boutique Ludotrooter.


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